Gestisci la tua collezione di foto con Piwigo

Piwigo è un'applicazione web opensource per gestire la tua libreria di foto. Progettato per organizzazioni, professionisti e privati.

Ottenere Piwigo

Scarica ocloud hosting

versione 14.5.0 1 settimana fa

Piwigo 14.5.0 1 settimana fa

Ultime attività. 22 ore fa

Migliaia di organizzazioni e molte altre persone amano usare il loro Piwigo

Perché scegliere Piwigo?

Forte volumetria

Piwigo brilla quando si tratta di organizzare migliaia o addirittura centinaia di migliaia di foto.


Nato nel 2002, Piwigo è presente per i suoi utenti da oltre 22 anni. E sempre in evoluzione!


Il codice sorgente è disponibile, modificabile, controllabile ed estensibile grazie ai plugin ed i temi.

Alcune gallerie create con Piwigo

Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers
Metropolitan University BelGrade
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon
Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne

A loro piace Piwigo ... e lo dicono!


Our photo library has been hosted on since 2013. We feed it regularly, at each photo shoot of our products for the preparation of catalogues and commercial sheets. The use of Piwigo simplifies the hierarchical organization of photos and speeds up our searches thanks to keywords. Remote access allows us to work in a common private space for our 18 offices. Intuitive and efficient, Piwigo has enabled our teams to become more autonomous.

Sandrine Bourroux, TerreAzur

Imprese France

AaDT64 has been using Piwigo for 6 years. Our communications department is called upon daily to provide photos of our region to various service providers: press, tourist offices, tourism service providers, students.... Piwigo is the solution that enables us to make more than 6,000 photos available, with access rights managed according to the user's profile and the rights restrictions on each photo. Piwigo is reliable (no incident in 6 years), easy to use, a perfect solution and free (!). Thanks to the whole team of contributors for the quality of this tool!

Hélène Ricoeur, Tourisme Béarn Pays Basque

Turismo e Cultura France

I use Piwigo to share photos with other members of our fraternity. At the moment we have more than 8000 photos and some videos in our gallery, and it works good! The user management is a great advantage for us. Uploading photos is easy and fast. For our needs it is a very good solution.Congratulations on the 20th anniversary and thank you for the great work!

Bodo Hano, TV Saxonia

Associazioni Germany

Piwigo has allowed us to be able build a strong photo library, which I can share with my key partners. Support is always so helpful and the creativity and freedom you get is amazing!

Callum White, Winchester City Council

Settore pubblico United Kingdom

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